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Providing timberland management and forestry consulting services to landowners in the Pacific Northwest 



Forest Management Solutions currently manages over 30,000 acres for nearly 100 clients.  Our largest acreage clients include ALCO Holdings LLC, St. Helens Noble Farms LLC and High Lakes Timber LLC, in Cowlitz and Skamania Counties near Mt. St. Helens, and Cascade Resources LLC in Yakima County.  With tree farms ranging in size from 5 acres to 16,000, these long-term partnerships are core to our business.  Our objective is to understand and meet each individual client's specific goals and objectives for their timberland, then to cost-effectively implement strategies to achieve success.  


Core enterprises of our business include timber cruising and valuation, logging subcontracting and log marketing, harvest permitting, engineering, and silviculture (planting, thinning, spraying).  We provide services to attorneys, CPA's, and real estate professionals to help them understand timber values, tax liability strategies, and succession planning related to timberland resources.


Our team of professional foresters utilizes our experience and knowledge to work for our clients every day so they can focus on life and not things like log markets, seed zones, or contract negotiation.


Whether you own 5 acres or 5000, we take pride in providing current, professional forestry services to help meet your economic and ecological goals.  From reforestation to final harvest, we're here to help you realize your vision for your land.



Contact Us: 360-330-4477 or

© 2017 by Forest Management Solutions

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